Wednesday, December 08, 2004

New Multis Are Doing Fine

The two new multis bought from fellow forummer are enjoying themselves in the main tank. Even my original loner bought from CF is starting to be more active. The two multis cost S$40, which in my opinion is a good price as the one I bought from CF a few months back at the same size cost $40. The colour isn't as nice as the one from CF though, which has a nice gold coat. The other two are more brownish in colour.

Anyway, I am now trying to add one last fella to complete the picture for my tank. ie a bristlenose pleco. Have always read rave reviews that these ugly fellas are fantastic algae feeders, would really like to try that out. The algae growth rate in my main tank is manageable but for the 2footer, it's really bad. My hornworts are doing their job to reduce the nitrates but i think a bristlenose would come in real handy. Of course this does not solve the root of the problem with i think is due to my filter. I am using a Liberty 200 Eheim filter, but not using the recommended filter media cos they are so expensive. Am using normal sponge to do the mechanical fitration and biohomes for biological. Somehow i think the sponge is just now good enough.

Have also found out that there are many types of bristlenose catfish (all belonging to the aucinthus family). Already have a few offers after I have posted in the forum. Now waiting to choose the right one. May also be checking out a LFS which I was told has them.


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