Wednesday, December 22, 2004

New Tank!

A fellow forummer was trying to get rid of his 2ft cube tank recently. (The same guy who sold me the two multis). I asked for it and even brought my brother down to the place to collect it. It's free by the way. Anyway after carrying the tank all the way down from his flat to the car, we realised that it can't fit in! Had to carry it all the way back. That was such a big booboo. Frankly the tank looked so much bigger and heavier than I expected. Had arranged to get delivery service to transport the tank the next day, but alas when I re-measured the space that I was hoping to use for the tank, it just couldnt' fit. Had to apologize to the the dear brother for all the inconveniences caused. Though the tank was a little dirty, the potential was enormous. I could set up another non-fronts tanganyikan tank...too bad it didn't materialize.

Anyway, i have now decided to go for a 5X1X1.5 tank. The size is a little wierd as that's the only space I got...which is below my current tv console. CFO has put up minimal resistance, which I am taking that as a yes. Have asked for a quote and hopefully the new tank will be up and running by early 2005. Now that's what I call a christmas present!


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