Died Standing
My poor smaller discus has finally passed on. Just when I thought I have cured it of the HITH and fungus problem, it finally gave up the fight last Tuesday.
It was lying horizontal in the hospital tank for about 2 weeks. Not eating and very lifeless. Only started to show signs of recovery last week, the hole in the head healed and it was swimming freely and eating well. Then it just died. sigh...
The way it died is also pretty uncanny. I didn't even realised it was dead despite looking at it a few times. This is because it was still in a upright position in the water, with eyes opened. I initially thought it was sleeping as the lights were all off, but 4 hours later it was still in the same position. When I scooped it out with the net, the body was rigid, eyes staring blankly at me. Kinda reminds me of the way those monks die in a sitting position or worse..zhen zi....eeeee scary sia.
Here's a pic of how it was before being fished out.

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