Planted Tank
Not much activity over the past one month. Have been doing quite of reading up of planted tanks and discus keeping. Very intrigue by planted discus tank. Am planning to offload the occupants of my 2ft Malawi tank that I took over from my dad in May and convert it to a planted tank.
Thinking of starting a 2ft planted with apistogramma or even discus. Putting discus in a tank seems to be quite a challenge. First and foremost, discus need relatively high temperature while most plants require lower temp. Discuses are also very particular about water conditions. There are many postings suggesting daily water change. As much as I take pride in that I enjoy my weekly 2 hour water change regime for all my tanks, daily change is a different discipline altogether. Have been doing some research and trying to find ways to keep discus without the frequent water change. e.g. removing nitrite/nitrate and anti-growth hormones from the water artificially.
Keeping healthy discus in a bare tank seems to be tough enough; putting them into a planted tank is an entirely different challenge. The challenge is something that I relish though.

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