Thursday, February 09, 2006

Raising Funds

Have been toying with the idea of making a 5ft floor tank to replace my existing two 2x1x1 and one 1x1x2 tanks. Want to make it into a tangan breeding tank. However to do so, will need $$. Hence have put on sale couple of my lovely tropheus, smaller fronts and n.brevis for sale. So far 3 pairs of brevis, 3 tropheus, and 1 moba have been sold. Am hoping to raise about $600 for the project.

Am also taking this opportunity to decrease the size of my front colony. The tank is starting to look like a stage show. The smaller fronts seem to be growing faster since I added the 4 bigger ones.

Plan to reduce to about 7 or 8 pieces. Hence will have to selling about bout 6-7 pieces. As I was sitting in front of the tank identifying the fishes to be sold, I had such a hard time cos all of them look so damn good. I am starting to have difficulty differentiating the mobas from the kitumbas cos the mobas are displaying very intense blue colour as well.

Will also be selling two of the mobas cheaply to bro fire87 cos they were actually reserved long ago, but due to some fighting resulting in slight nibbed fins, I did not let them go. They have since recovered and able to hold their own in the crowded tank.

Hope to be able to raise the funds and get the tank done by end March. Really sad to be selling the fronts actually.


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