Went down to CF last weekend to get ADA substrate, ended up spending more than $200. There was this yellow fin white calvus that I couldnt' get my eyes off, ended up buying that and a black counterpart, also with yellow pelvic fins. Both are really nice.

Anyway I just cleared one of my 2ft tank last week and have plunged in another chunk of my salary on planted tank equipment.
1 Nutrafin Co2 Set -> $24 (C328)
1 bag ADA Amazonia Soil -> $38 EcoCulture
1 set of 2x36W PL light -> $65 (C328)
1 Lushgro Package -> $30 (C328)
1 Seachem Flourish Excel -> $10 (C328)
1 mesh riccia -> $6 (c328)
1 tub Riccia -> $4 (Jurong East)
1 tub Mini Moss -> $4 (Jurong East)
8 metal mesh -> $8 (Nature Aquarium)
6 pots hairgrass -> $16 (Sam Pet & Aquarium)
1 set of planter and scissors ->$20 (C328)
1 tub riccia -> $6 (Dover Crescent)
Total: $231! gosh...
Next month must eat grass...
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