Cleared My Community Tank
After putting up the sale for 3 weeks in Arofanatics and Petfrd, someone finally bought all the fishes in my cichlid community tank.
1 Tilapia Buttikoferi [Malawi] 5-6"
Exchanged for a 2ft tank, and $5. Sad part was the fish died the next day cos it was put together with an arowana, which didn't like it's new neighbour.
2 Mono Sebae [SA] 3" sold for $15/pair
1 Jewel Cichilid [Liberia] 3" gave it to my dad
1 pseudotropheus demasoni 2.5" $15 gave it to my dad
All the rest for $80 to a kind forummer.
2 Buccochromis rhoadesii [Malawi] 4"
1 light blue Labeotropheus trewavasae [Malawi] 4"
1 dark blue Labeotropheus trewavasae [Malawi] 3.5"
2 orange Maylandia Estherae [Malawi] about 3-3.5"
2 Pseudotropheus Lombardoi, 1 blue, 1 yellow-turning-blue, about 3" [Malawi]
1 Neolamprologus tetracanthus [Tangan] 3"
1 Silver Angel [SA] 2"
1 Vieja synspilla [C.Amer] 4"
1 Green Hornet [C.Amer] 4"
2 Sailfin Pleco 4"
Was a little sad to see them go, esp the malawis which I have watched them grow since young. Have kept them for close to a year.
Minus the overheads such as food/electricity bills, still make a small profit.
Well, there are several reason for clearing the tank.
a. My juvenile fronts housed in a 2ft tank are starting to grow bigger, need to provide a bigger place for them.
b. Cutting down to one tank to save some electricity bills.
c. My house is just not suitable to have the other small tank, which is currently sitting on the floor. My little girl has already cracked the tank accidently with her little skate.
Many of the visitors that came to my place actually commented that the malawis looked so much better than the frontosas. Even my wife doesn't understand why I am selling away the nicer looking fishes. Well, I guess fronts appreciation is a more acquired taste.
Anyway all that i have left of the malawis are the tons of photos that I have taken and posted on arofantic gallery.
Community Tank 1
Community Tank 1
This is how my 2ft tanga tank looks like now, hope to transfer them over the weekend.