Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Pelvicachromis Pulcher

My pair of kribs have spawned. Came back yesterday to see lot so eggs deposited inside the sodium bicarbonate bottle which I have put into the tank just two days ago. True enough when the bottle was put in, the female took it and now, I am just eagerly waiting for the fries to come.

Have already put infusoria into the tank and starting my bbs regime again.

Friday, February 17, 2006

Pelvicachromis taeniatus

The plants are growing so well that the discus is finding it tough to move around, left with only a small area above the riccia.

Have not seen the female taeniatus for the past two days. Am keeping my fingers and toes crossed that the tank will see babies soon. Am half decided whether to trim down the plants. On one hand, with such a thick undergrowth, the discus is not able reach for the fries (if there are gonna be some). On the other hand, the tank is so packed with plants that one can's see anything. Starting to look a little messy, though still no sign of the dreaded hair algae for almost 3 weeks.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Stock Update

Tropheus Tank
17 Tropheus Ikola
2 Tropheus moori "Red Rainbow"
2 Tropheus moori "Illangi"
1 Tropheus moori "nkonde"
4 Tropheus dubosis "maswa"
6 Cyprichromis Leptosoma "Utinta"
1 Siamess catfish

Frontosa Species Tank
9 Cyphotilapia Gibberosa (3 F0 Kitumba, 5 F0 Kapampa, 1 F1 Moba)
3 Syndontis Multicantus
2 Yellow Laps (dithers)
1 Gold Fin Alto. Compressicep.

Shellies Tank
3 N. Brevis "sunspot"

Daffodil Tank
6 N.Pulcher
9 Cyprichromis Leptosoma "Utinta" (temp)

Per-Sales Tank
5 Cyphotilapia gibberosa (2 F1 Kapampa, 3 F1 Moba)
2 Alto Compressiceps "Gold"
2 Upside Down catfish

Planted Tank
1 Brown Heckel
2 Pelvicachromis Taeniata
3 Apisto. Caca.
2 Green Copper plakat
3 Pencil fish
1 African Kilifish

Tanganyikan Fish Co. Restructuring

Did a bit of restructuring to my tanks last evening.

a. Closure of the grow-out section, converting it to a pre-sales division.
b. Transfered 5 beautiful 3-4" mobas/kapampas from the front tank to the pre-sales tank.
c. The sick bay has been revamped to a shellie haven, to encourage more babies.
d. Cypris that have been certified old enough to out to the world. 6 of them have been moved up to the main gallery tank with the boisterous tropheus.
e. Rest of the 9 cyrpis are temporary placed in the daffodil nursery. If the 6 does fine, another 6 will join them, leaving 3 to make babies.
f. The two new comps are together with the 5 fronts in the pre-sales division. Not for sale though.

I need a bigger tank!

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Raising Funds

Have been toying with the idea of making a 5ft floor tank to replace my existing two 2x1x1 and one 1x1x2 tanks. Want to make it into a tangan breeding tank. However to do so, will need $$. Hence have put on sale couple of my lovely tropheus, smaller fronts and n.brevis for sale. So far 3 pairs of brevis, 3 tropheus, and 1 moba have been sold. Am hoping to raise about $600 for the project.

Am also taking this opportunity to decrease the size of my front colony. The tank is starting to look like a stage show. The smaller fronts seem to be growing faster since I added the 4 bigger ones.

Plan to reduce to about 7 or 8 pieces. Hence will have to selling about bout 6-7 pieces. As I was sitting in front of the tank identifying the fishes to be sold, I had such a hard time cos all of them look so damn good. I am starting to have difficulty differentiating the mobas from the kitumbas cos the mobas are displaying very intense blue colour as well.

Will also be selling two of the mobas cheaply to bro fire87 cos they were actually reserved long ago, but due to some fighting resulting in slight nibbed fins, I did not let them go. They have since recovered and able to hold their own in the crowded tank.

Hope to be able to raise the funds and get the tank done by end March. Really sad to be selling the fronts actually.

More pics

Here're more pics of my planted tank where I am keeping the lone discus, the pair of Pelvicachromis Taeniata and 3 juvenile A. caca.

This female taeniata is really beautiful.

Died Standing

My poor smaller discus has finally passed on. Just when I thought I have cured it of the HITH and fungus problem, it finally gave up the fight last Tuesday.

It was lying horizontal in the hospital tank for about 2 weeks. Not eating and very lifeless. Only started to show signs of recovery last week, the hole in the head healed and it was swimming freely and eating well. Then it just died. sigh...

The way it died is also pretty uncanny. I didn't even realised it was dead despite looking at it a few times. This is because it was still in a upright position in the water, with eyes opened. I initially thought it was sleeping as the lights were all off, but 4 hours later it was still in the same position. When I scooped it out with the net, the body was rigid, eyes staring blankly at me. Kinda reminds me of the way those monks die in a sitting position or worse..zhen zi....eeeee scary sia.

Here's a pic of how it was before being fished out.