Monster Mobas
Was down at brother Levy's place last Friday. His awesome 5ft tangan main tank that I saw the last time has now been transformed into a just as remarkable marine tank. The tank is stocked with various variants of butterflies. As enthusaistic as ever, Levy introduced each of the fishes as if he has been in the marine hobby for years.
Anyway the main reason for my visit was to help clear Levy's remaining tangans that are now housed in a smaller tank. As with my new craze over the Altolamprologus family, I decided to take over his 1x Tanzanite Calvus, 1xGold Head and 1xRed Fin. In the process of it, I was distracted by the poor mobas (about 6 of them) in the small tank. End up taking two pieces, which takes up 80% of the total price.
No regrets though, the moment the two fellas were dropped into my! Out came my Canon 350D again..after so many months of inactivity.
Sad to say, the Tanzanite Calvus did not make it pass the night. It was already looking pretty frail in Levy's tank, but I thought it was just probably stressed out by the other occupants. Alas, it didn't get much of a warm reception from the resident black calvuses in my other tank.
I now have a problem. 8 pieces of adult Altos in two 2ft's way overcrowded....