18th Day of Cycling
0 readings for all parameters. Seems like the tank has been cycled.
Bought 2 bristlenose pleco to help clean the algae in the tanks. Will post pics soon.
I have dreamt of starting my own aquarium since I was a little kid. No doubt very much influenced by my dad who kept so many aquariums over the years. Anyway thought it's a good idea to keep a blog for my aquarium.
0 readings for all parameters. Seems like the tank has been cycled.
The readings have been the same since day 14th day. ie. slight ammonia, slight nitrite, high nitrate. Was forced to do a water change on day 14 and have been adding Nutrafin cycle daily and Seachem Prime to detoxify the nitrite and nitrate. Personally I think it's not a good idea to do this as the bacteria are not given the chance to work on the nitrite/nitrate. Anyway, I had 0 readings for all yesterday! Hope it will last.
Just collected 18 subadult ikolas (about 2.5") and 15 cyprichromis leptosoma "utinta" fries from Mrs Lee. She was nice enough to reserve them for me for 3 weeks while I cycle my tank. The fishes cost me S$230 total which is a steal considering adult ikolas were selling $90 each at Mizu Monde a few months back and leptosomas are practically unavailable in Singapore.
Ammonia: 0.1ppm
Started to put in my zaires one per day when I detected 0 readings of ammonia, nitrite and nitrate on the 7th day of cycling. Last night ammonia has gone up to 0.5ppm again, probably due to the higher bioload that the fronts are releasing as compared to the rosy barbs. Have since given them away.
My "Stevie Wonder" was found missing from it's small quarrantine tank this morning. The sight that I dread to see. Peering behind my stretch of tank, found the poor fella almost 1 metre away. It must have died an agonizing death. Pretty upset as I was still wondering what to do with it last night as it would definitely not able to survive in a normal tank as it's vision is pretty bad or could even be blinded.
Ammonia: 0.25 ppm
Lost a lab in the morning before going to work.
Sold 3 of my Zaires for $170. A really good price considering the fishes are already 4-5" in size. Typically one of them would cost as much as this price. Well, my tank has been overloaded for months and these 3, in terms of looks, are the not so nice ones as compared to the rest. I am not in this hobby to make money so losing a little for the sake of the fishes is quite alright.
Ammonia 0.5ppm
Added a few more "expendable" fishes into my tank for cycling. I admit I am impatient. Well the guilelines given is 25% of the total number of fish that the tank can support.
Got to know a new forummer during the Christmas/New Year period. Mr Lee wanted to clear the fishes at his house as he has been posted to Suzhou to work. For the first time, saw Cyprichromis leptosoma "Utinta" for sale! When I saw the post, I immediately dropped him an sms at 4am in the morning, but alas I was a day late, the nice adult male utintas were all taken up :( Anyway Mr Lee has an impressive collection of utintas (he managed to breed them!), a tank full of tropheus sp. ikola and some dubosis which he has also successfully bred. To cut the story short, I reserve about 15 of the ikolas and also another 15 2 week old utinta fries. Will have to wait for my tank to be up and ready though. Am planning to transfer my fronts to the new tank and let the tropheus take the existing one which is deeper.
Just had confirmation that my new tank will be arriving tomorrow. Over the past few days, have been shopping around for the necessary accessories. Have just bought a Eheim Pro 2026 cannister filter for $238, which is supposedly a good price for this high end filter. Am still scouting around for lights. Seems like lights for 6ft setups do not come cheap. I also got to learn about T5 tubes and also about how to diy a lighting set. Interesting stuff. A T5 retrofit kit for 3ft can be as much as $350!