Took my two poor bettas out to "play" yesterday...and realised that they are acutally quite beautiful.

To be honest, I have been neglecting them, putting them in the common toilet with little light most of the time. And the only times I look at them were during the weekly water change. I dón't even watch them eat. Have been feeding them with my NLS small fish formula. I only feed once a day as I am too lazy to do more frequent water change. The MG seems to have popeye, but it has been like this since i got it home. Traeted with Interpet Anti-Internal Parsite for a week but stopped as the fish looked normal to me. The red fella is a red full moon.
I have also been reading up on breeding bettas and I have kept a lookout for suitable females whenever i drop by C328, but so far I am still a little hesitant to try breeding as I don't have any more space at home.